The third plenary meeting aimed to bring together all DS2 project partners for three days to present and discuss the ongoing work conducted over the past months and to establish the roadmap for the next steps of DS2. The event, held in Athens from January 28th to 30th and hosted by ATC, brought together key stakeholders, industry experts, and partners from various use cases, as well as technical and research partners from the DS2 project consortium. The objective was to report on work progress and deliberate on the critical role data spaces play in today's digital economy, while outlining how DS2 will address challenges and create added value for all participants involved.
The plenary commenced with a compehensive review of the DS2's overall status as a project, the breakthroughs and the challenges of the project a year on from the start of the project. Work package leaders presented the progress made in each work package as well as the lastest updates and overall dissemination, communication, and exploitation results of DS2 thus far. The aftenoon session of the first day included live demos from the DS2 module owners followed by short discussion, presentation of IDT and DS2 connector and the DS2 GitHub practices.
The second day of the plenary focused on the use cases of DS2 and started with two keynotes from Precision Agriculture in the Service of the Agrifood Business Sector: How Can Data Spaces Contribute to Its Modernization (Keynote speakers: Efthimis Papadopoulos, Business Consultant at KRONOS S.A. Canning Fruit Industry and Thomas Thomaidis, Business Partner and co-founder of Pangaea R&D IKE Technology Research & Development Services). The afternoon session delved into the critical aspects of the use cases (Precision agriculture, Smart cityscapes and Green Deal) and their significant progress made by the partners. There were collaborative workshops emphasizing on planning of data products, and data services and use case challenges. The last session aimed to leverage the collective expertise of the participants to identify and mitigate potential challenges for DS2 use cases through DS2 modules. The day concluded with an open discussion on the E2E connectivity and specifically on the extensions to the Eclipse connector and the technical challenges from use cases.
The plenary concluded in the third day with a forward-looking segment discussing potential future developments in DS2. Participants emphasized the need for ongoing collaboration among stakeholders and continuous work on the implementation of the DS2 modules and the development of the use cases.
The DS2 plenary meeting in Athens was designed to foster collaboration, strategic thinking, and effective planning, ensuring that the project progresses smoothly and successfully towards its mid-term and long-term goals. Attendees left with a clearer understanding of how proceed with their respective tasks.